Rondal Partridge
(1917 – 2015)

Photographer/Master Printer
Portrait © Donna Granata 2007
The son of renowned photographer Imogen Cunningham, Rondal Partridge grew up surrounded by some of America’s most iconic photographers, among them Ansel Adams, Dorothea Lange and Horace Bristol. His remembrances of that epochal time provided much additional information to the Focus on the Masters archive of Horace Bristol. Commenting on this portrait, FOTM founder says: “The photographer gestures as to how he would compose a photograph, framing me with his fingers. From my vantage point it looked like a great shot. My assistant quickly handed me my camera. I got the portrait! The print is purposely off-kilter, a reference to his cranky disposition – well-earned after 90 years.”
Rondal Partridge’s documentation took place in 2007. The FOTM Archive contains extensive information about this artist.