Gerri McMillin

Portrait © Donna Granata 2004
Fiber art has always been a part of my life. Whether it is basketry, weaving, spinning, knotting or another form of fiber art, I love the tactile sensations of fibers and feeling the life within them.
I am known for the fishbone baskets that I weave with fish bones and monofilament, and also my knotted waxed linen sculptures that I create.
With her husband, artist Tom McMillin, Gerri spent extended periods of time at sea. The ocean and the sense of peace I feel when out on the water helps to center my being and bring out the creativity from within. I catch my own albacore and turn their bones into beautiful forms sending them on another journey. I call the baskets my “jewels of the sea, my vessels of remembrance.”
My sculptures of knotted waxed linen are derived from my emotions within and personal feelings about life. I knot waxed linen over a form that best expresses my emotions until they make me feel good; until I feel they express what I want. I have exhibited nationally and internationally and have been the recipient of many awards in fiber art.
Gerri Johnson-Mcmillan was documented in 2006.The FOTM Archive contains extensive information about this artist.