Rich Deppe

Fiber Artist
Handspun Yarn by Rich Deppe with Handwoven Tallis Bag by Carl Friedlander
Rich Deppe’s involvement in fiber arts dates to his early childhood, when his grandmother introduced him to knitting, at which he proved very adept. His fascination with knitting disappeared by his teen years but re-surfaced some years ago. He knits and weaves but for Rich the most interesting aspect of fiber art is spinning the fibers themselves. He has used a variety of fibers; perhaps one of the most interesting is dog hair. Depp was interviewed with Carl Friedlander in a program dedicated to fiber art.
This Spotlight was sponsored by Betsey Chess and John & Cherie Brant in 2016. The AfterGlow hosted by JoEllen Lee with The Old Broads Catering Company.
The archive has extensive information on this artist.