Left: Frank Romero getting ready for his live interview for documentation. Right: Cousin Mary Helen-Chevy Nomad, serigraph
Cruisin’ Cars inspired by painter Frank Romero
Frank Romero was a pioneering figure in the Chicano Art Movement, and is best known as a muralist. He was raised in Boyle Heights in Los Angeles, with childhood memories of cruising around LA with his father. We can see that influence in his artwork of cars and cityscapes. Students created their own Cruisin’ Cars using the strong shapes and expressive paintstrokes like Frank Romero. They then added a cityscape inspired by their own neighborhoods. Learn more about Frank Romero HERE.

Our standard 8-week in-the-classroom residency is $500 (including instructor and supplies). You can “Adopt A Classroom” for $500.00. Click HERE to Donate Four week and single lessons are also available. Our lessons are cross-curricular and support the California content standards. Many of them can be tailored and grouped to work with a particular unit of study, i.e. zoology, social studies, history, language arts, sciences, etc. They are adaptable to a wide range of grade levels from elementary through secondary grades and beyond, including community groups and programs. Programs are supported in a variety of ways, including school and PTA funds, grants, or personal donations from an individual or group of parents/grandparents. Our program is taught by professional artists who have extensive educational experience. We feel that this criterion helps to guide the student with a deeper understanding of the art making process. For more information, or to arrange a residency in your neighborhood, call 805.653.2501 or email [email protected].Thanks to Our Sponsors